How can SME owners save for a rainy day and build an emergency corpus?
Rainy days can come unannounced. If you are a small business owner, a sudden financial crisis can put a dent in all your plans. A global economic recession looks inevitable amidst the...
इक्विटी फंड का खुलासा निवेशकों के लिए
क्या आप जानते हैं के इक्विटी फंड क्या होता हैं और इसमें अपना पैसा निवेश करने से आप को कितना लाभ हो सकता? अगर आप नहीं जानते हैं तो यह पोस्ट आप...
Save Tax and create wealth with ELSS Mutual Funds
Article written by Quantum Mutual fund
Through the years, you've been saving taxes with Public Provident Funds (PPFs), National Savings Certificates (NSCs) and Bank Fixed Deposits (FDs). Sure,...
Adieu 2020 – We keep the learnings!
Here’s a quick snippet of 2020 – year which left the imprint, memories and lessons of a life-time for each one of us in general and investors in specific.
5 financial resolutions to make for 2021 – Post Pandemic World
2020 - What a year it has been!!! Just as every year comes to an end, we expect the new year to be either equivalent to or better than the previous years....
5 events that prove 2020 was a crazy year
Let’s be clear. We are just being polite and using very civil language when we say 2020 was crazy. We are sure you have much more emotive adjectives to define the year....
6 Benefits of Investing via SIP
SIPs are an easy way to invest in a mutual fund of your choice. The underlying principle behind SIPs is the principle of compounding. So, if you invest small amounts over a...
5 Top Investments to explore in and around Diwali
As the festive season draws nearer, plans of shopping, preparation of delicacies, traveling, etc., are made well in advance — a month or two! This pre-preparatory phase helps us identify all the...
Biggest Disruption in Mutual Fund Industry!
If you ask us which is by far the single biggest disruption in MF industry – it’s the birth of ETFs and Index Funds or as we call them, passive strategies!
जानिये क्यों ज़रूरी हैं वक़्त के साथ पैसे के बदलती वैल्यू और कम्पाउंडिंग को...
अच्छा दोस्तों आप को अगर कोई आज २० हज़ार दे या फिर २० हज़ार आपको एक साल बाद दे तो आप कब लेना पसंद करेंगे? क्या आप भी आज २०हज़ार रुपए लेना...