Busting 5 Myths about SIPs
Let's start this post with a hideously true, oft-repeated cliché – we are all going through unprecedented times. While the death toll, fear and social isolation have played their part, seeing the...
जानिए पर्सनल फाइनेंस प्लान करने का आसान तरीका
दोस्तों फाइनेंस, पैसा, धन किसी भी व्यक्ति के जीवन का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होता है । फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग हर एक व्यक्ति के लिए ज़रूरी होती है। चाहे वह किसी भी उम्र का हो,...
क्या हैं म्यूच्यूअल फंड और आप कैसे इसमें कर सकते हैं निवेश
एक बात तो निश्चित हैं - हम सबको अपनी आमदनी का एक हिस्सा निवेश करना चाहिए | लेकिन उससे भी ज़रूरी हैं यह समझना के हम अपने म्हणत की कमाई को कहाँ...
Debt Dilemma – what are the options?
Just a disclaimer: This is a fairly big note, where we try and analyse debt options available for investors and explain how returns are generated in Debt funds. And we are consciously...
म्यूच्यूअल फंड में कौन सा तरीका सही – एकमुश्त निवेश या एस आए...
क्या आप म्यूच्यूअल फंड में निवेश करने के लिए तैयार हैं? अगर आपका जवाब हाँ हैं तो क्या आपने क्निश्चित कर लिया हैं की आप किस तरह अपना पैसा म्यूच्यूअल फंड में...
Economy is retrograde – but Markets are unsure !
Economy is retrograde – where are Markets headed?
As we attempt to answer tough questions on market, we shall start with a chart of Nifty EPS, Nifty PE and...
Classic Battle of Equity Vs Debt – Part 2
At the outset, let us confess this is a corrigendum to our previous blog of “Classic battle of Equity Vs Debt.”
Like many others, we were besotted by the...
Relief Package – battle of Bonds & Equities!
Bond Vs Equities: Classic battle!
As I pen this quick note, PM Narendra Modi has just finished his 33 min speech promising Indians an unprecedented relief package amounting to 10%...
Where are Equities headed?
There are only two conventional / text book ways to assess equity markets – fundamental and technical. And if both fail to explain – then the third one never fails i.e. emotional.
10 books to read to learn about personal finance
When we speak managing money, one essential skill which should be inculcated is that of personal finance. However, in order to understand how to handle money and how to use money to...