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Mutual Funds

Index Vs Large Cap funds — Can Index funds be a viable replacement for...

To make the life of investors easier, at the beginning of this year, SEBI came out with a few regulations. The two most important aspects of it were the definition of market...

5 commandments for SIP

We all know that Systematic Investment Plan or SIP is a relatively painless way of long term wealth creation. Once you put it in place, over the next few months, you become...

The Commandments of investing in the right way

Why do we earn money? To fulfil our financial dreams. Investing, when done right, can lead to the most effective utilisation of our money in order to fulfil those financial dreams. However,...

Mutual funds or stocks – which category is better?

When you look at it, sometimes the battle lines between the Mutual Fund and Stock believers are drawn quite strongly. There are hard core believers on both ends, often looking with disdain...

Season of 4-indexation FMPs

FMPs are close-ended mutual fund schemes which invests in bonds and other debt instruments. FMP are not linked to stock markets hence they are far safer and meant for conservative investors.The biggest...

Evolution of Mutual Funds in India

From its humble beginning in 1963 with Unit Trust of India (UTI), the Indian Mutual Indian fund industry has come a long way since then. Let’s trace the journey of mutual...

Your Money’s Journey After You Invest in Mutual Funds

Before investing in a mutual fund, you must have carefully analyzed the schemes, read the offer document and listed sources to track the Net Asset Value (NAV). But, ever wondered what happens...

What are International Mutual Funds? Are They Recommended?

International Mutual Funds are usually preferred by those investors who want to invest in securities beyond domestic stocks and across geographical barriers.  International Mutual Funds invest in the stocks...

How Your Investment Will Help You Retire Early?

If your grandfather worked for 40 years and father worked for 33 years, you will be working for 25 years. So, if the working life has shrunk over three generations, the life...

Why invest in Mutual Funds vs Other Investment Options

If you were to ask your parents how they invested their money, their answers would tilt in the favour of Fixed Deposits (FDs), Public Provident Fund (PPF) or gold. Their only...